Schedule Documents SESSION 2

Please Note:  All changes to the schedule (reschedules) will be made within the live Division pages, standings, and schedules.  The changes will NOT be made in these original documents.  Please visit your team's Division for most current information.


2023-24 Master Schedule (Posted Dec 3, 2023)

  • The schedule is released to the Ice Allocators first so they get their surplus ice right away.  Each ice allocator can chose to share the schedule immediately with their teams if they chose.  The schedule will be uploaded onto the BGL team webpages in the next day of two.
There are 5 formats that the schedule comes in:
  1. BGL Schedule - this lists all the games by game number 
  2. BGL Full Schedule - this lists all the games by home and away team.  This will allow you to easily sort for each teams full schedule - home and away
  3. Special Ice - this lists all the games being played on Special or Neutral Ice.
  4. Ice Slots - this lists all the ice submitted and the games assigned to each association and the unused ice slots
  5. Refs - this if for Official Assignors that use Arbiter


  • For games conflicts, reschedules are to be worked out between the ice allocators and then submitted to the webmaster via the website
  • For any special ice games scheduled and as a reminder, the association providing the ice must also provide the officials (unless it's U14A and up).  You then invoice the "home" team's association for the cost of the ice and the officials.
If you have any questions, please contact your BGL Association Rep first and they will may contact with BGL if required.


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